Photo: Taken by Toddlers & Tiaras
Mom "She's my beautiful little girl, all grown up."
It's important to support extra curriculum activities outside of school. For some parents, baby beauty pageant competitions is their thing. Beauty pageant is an international competition which reflects the support from a lot of parents.
For the performers (the children) usually are given a series of tasks to perform, including fashion features on stage, and other talent performances. Then a panel of judges will award scores to each beauty pageant on a score card based on their performance and answers. Sounds like America's Got Talent show, except the age limit is taken down a lot lower.
The winner will walk away with a cash prize starting form as little as $100 USD to thousands of dollars. How would you compare this to a Sunday Creative Art class or a horse ridding school? Let's take a look at the losers... for an adult, losing can be a traumatic experience but they have developed the communication skills and coping mechanism through adulthood to deal with the set back & rejection. How about for the young beauty pageants? Does anyone know how a young child deal with these difficult emotions and how would they learn to communicate this to their moms & dads?
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