Saturday, 25 February 2012

FFM Writing Competition! WIN $$$

Writing Competition "Temptation, Freedom, Adult Adventure, Pleasure & Pain..."
Pick up your pen and free your creativity!
FastFoodMom is inviting writers to enter this competition.
Subject: Fiction - Adult Erotica Fantasy (Adventure/ Crime/ Roleplay/ Fantasy  etc)
Word length: 13,000 - 15,000
Written in English
Deadline: 30th April 2012 
Announcement: 31st May 2012
Prize: The chosen authors will be awarded $200, a contract for publication and a hard copy of their book. Our decision is final.
To Apply:
Simply express your interest via email:  Reference "FFM competition"
You must be the sole author of the submitted story, and the story must not be published previously. By submitting your piece in this competition, the chosen author agrees to assigning exclusive publication rights to FastFoodMom and grant FastFoodMom ownership of the copyright for the duration of the contract for 3 years from the date of book release. At the end of the contract period, both the publication and copyright will be returned to sole author. FFM retains the right to terminate contract at any point in time with immediate notice.
Good luck & Best Wishes from FFM!

Friday, 24 February 2012

America's Got Talent 2012

The 7th Season of America's Got Talent is about to begin! Last audition will take place on 27th February 2012 in New York city! If anyone in your family, friends, colleagues or lovers has that X-factor, then it's your duty give them a nudge in the right direction for 5minutes of that 5 minutes of fame.

Personally, the opportunity to chance your talent with Simon Cowell would be one of the most memorable life experience. Here is a quote from the icon himself to give you a flavour of what this man is like...

"The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated. Kids turn up unrehearsed, wearing the wrong clothes, singing out of tune and you can either say, 'Good job,' and patronize them or tell them the truth, and sometimes the truth is perceived as mean." 

Of course, not to forget the other equally exciting judges like Sharon OsbourneHoward Stern and Howie Mandel.

Just follow this link to en-roll  . Please send in your stories, and we will seriously consider featuring them in our future posts. <3 <3 <3

Goodluck all FastFoodMoms followers! Please subscribe to our blog and leave your interesting comments & responses below.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day: The traditional definition of this V-day is a day for the exchange of tokens of affection.... Have you got the perfect gift for him/ her? How about a photo shoot session to capture your kids celebrating the day?

Here are some ideas on how-to capture the cute photo for their Valentines.

1. Fun Action shot - Focus on capturing the kids in action (a jump or twirling around in a circle) and the patterns created by their arms and legs.

2. Multiple Collage  shots - Double the numbers, double the Sweetness! Snap several photos at once, then put them in a collage arrangement for display.

3. Carnival shot - Take the shot to a creative level. This is a simple top-down shot. Decorate a flat surface (ground) with flowers & cutie bears and then ask the model (your kid) to sit over the decorations.

4. Cute Close up shot - Focus on facial features. To add a bit of magic, why not give him/ her a hat to wear?

5. "I Heart U" Signs - Give your kid hold-up signs with love messages.

6. Be Bold - Carefully print a short love note across the face.